О фестивале

International Folk Crafts Festival «Ax Day»
Folk-crafts fest «Ax Day» is an international project held in Okolitsa rural park near Tomsk. National villages, fairs, concert programs cover an area of 17 hectares in the park, allowing visitors to observe how the masters creating their works in real time.
«Ax Day» is among the brightest events in the life of the Tomsk region. This international folk-crafts festival has become one of the most famous, large-scale, anticipated, and popular events in our history, as evidenced by its attendance.
«Ax Day» can rightfully be called a hallmark of the Tomsk region and the main event in the sphere of revival of Siberian wooden architecture traditions. The festival aims to revive Siberian handicrafts, encourage preservation and restoration of the historical appearance of Tomsk and villages in the Tomsk region, and promote a love for the home area and ancient traditions through mass cultural events.
Competitions of wood carvers, masters of pottery and ceramics, birchbark artists, and a competition of blacksmiths are held during the festival. The event is international, attracting masters from different regions of Russia and neighboring countries to participate.
Okolitsa rural park is an open-air museum that showcases amazing works of craftsmen from the “Ax Festival” of past years.
This year, «Ax Day» will be held for the 15th time from August 17 to August 24!
EVERYONE is welcome to join us at the «AX DAY»!

Regards, Festival Organizing Committee